
Software is a collection of data, programmes, or instructions that run machines and carry out particular functions. It is the antithesis of hardware, which speaks about a computer's external components. A device's applications, scripts, and programmes are collectively referred to as software. It may be viewed as the computer's variable component, with hardware serving as its fixed component.

System software and application software are the two primary types of software. Software that completes tasks or satisfies a particular demand is called an application. The purpose of system software is to manage a computer's hardware and offer an operating system for programmes to operate on.

Additional software categories include middleware, which stands between system software and applications, driver software, which manages computer peripherals and devices, and programming software, which offers the programming tools required by software developers.

Early software was supplied with the hardware it operated on and was created specifically for a certain machine. Software started to be marketed on floppy discs in the 1980s, and then on CDs and DVDs. The majority of software is now bought and downloaded straight from the internet. Websites for vendors or application service providers often contain software.

Examples and types of software

The following are the most popular kinds of software among the many categories:

  • Application software. Application software, the most popular kind of software, is a computer programme package that works with another application or for the user in certain situations. Applications can be standalone or comprise a collection of programmes that execute the application on the user's behalf. Office suites, graphical software, databases and database management systems, web browsers, word processors, software development tools, picture editors, and communication platforms are a few examples of contemporary applications.
  • System software. These software packages are made to function with the hardware and application software on a computer. The actions and features of the hardware and software are coordinated by the system software. It also manages how the computer hardware functions and offers a platform or environment in which all other applications may operate. System software is best shown by the operating system (OS), which controls all other computer programmes. The firmware, computer language interpreters, and system utilities are other instances of system software.
  • Driver software. This software, often referred to as device drivers, is sometimes regarded as a subset of system software. Device drivers provide linked peripherals and devices the control they need to carry out their intended functions on a computer. Device drivers are necessary for the operation of any connected device on a computer. Software that is included with any nonstandard hardware, such as unique gaming controllers, and software that makes standard gear, such USB storage devices, keyboards, headphones, and printers, possible are two examples.
  • Middleware. Software that acts as a mediator between two distinct types of application software or between an application and the system is referred to as middleware. For instance, middleware allows Word and Excel to communicate with Microsoft Windows. Additionally, it may be used to transmit a remote work request from an application running on one type of OS-equipped machine to another application running on a different OS. It also makes older apps compatible with more recent ones.
  • Programming software. Programming software is used by computer programmers to develop code. Programmers may create, write, test, and debug other software programmes with the use of programming tools and software. Assemblers, compilers, debuggers, and interpreters are a few examples of software used in programming.

How does software work?

All software gives computers the instructions and information they require to function and satisfy user demands. Application software and system software, on the other hand, operate very differently from one another.

Application software

Application software is made up of several programmes that carry out certain tasks for users, such accessing websites and creating reports. Programmes have the ability to carry out tasks for other programmes. Computer applications depend on the operating system (OS) and other supporting system software programmes to function; they cannot run alone.

Installed on the user's computer, these desktop programmes require the RAM to perform operations. They don't require an internet connection to function; they only take up space on the computer's hard disc. Desktop programmes, however, have to follow the specifications of the hardware on which they operate.

On the other hand, web apps don't need system software or hardware to function; all they need is internet connectivity. As a result, individuals with web browser-capable devices can open web apps. Users can run the programme from Windows, Mac, Linux, or any other OS because the components that make up the application's functionality are located on the server.

System software

Application software and computer hardware are separated by system software. System software manages the fundamental operations of the computer while operating in the background, so users do not directly interact with it. In order for users to execute high-level application software and carry out particular tasks, this software synchronises the hardware and software of a system. When a computer system turns on, system software starts up and runs continuously as long as the system is powered on.


Design and implementation

Project managers utilise the software development lifecycle as a framework to explain the phases and duties involved in software creation. The planning phase, followed by an analysis of the users' needs and the creation of comprehensive requirements, are the initial stages in the design lifecycle. The goal of the design phase is to outline how to satisfy those user needs following the preliminary requirements analysis.

After development work is finished, software testing takes place in the implementation phase. Any actions necessary to maintain the system operating are included in the maintenance phase.

A description of the software's structure, data models, system component interfaces, and maybe the techniques the software engineer will employ are all included in the software design.

User requirements are converted into a format that computer programmers can utilise to code and implement software through the software design process. Iteratively adding details and refining the design as they go, software engineers create the software architecture.

Among the various forms of software design are the following:

  • Architectural design. This is the basic design, which uses architectural design tools to determine the system's general structure, key components, and interrelationships.
  • High-level design. This second design layer focuses on how the system may be built as modules backed by a software stack, including all of its components. The connections between data flow and the many system modules and operations are described in a high-level design.
  • Detailed design. All of the implementation specifics required for the chosen architecture are the main emphasis of this third design layer.

How to keep the calibre of software high

If the programme satisfies its functional and nonfunctional criteria, it is said to be of high quality.

The software's functional requirements specify its intended functions. They include of technical specifications, data processing and manipulation, computations, and any other particular function that identifies the objectives of an application.

Quality characteristics, also referred to as nonfunctional requirements, specify how the system must perform. Portability, disaster recovery, security, privacy, and usability are examples of nonfunctional needs.

programme testing examines the product's overall usability, performance, security, and compatibility to make sure it satisfies requirements. It also finds and fixes technical problems in the programme source code.

The following traits are included in the dimensions of software quality:

  • Accessibility: The degree to which the programme is easily used by a wide range of users, including those who need assistive devices like voice recognition and screen magnifiers.
  • Compatibility. The software's compatibility across several platforms, including various operating systems, gadgets, and web browsers.
  • Efficiency. The software's capacity to function properly without squandering money, time, energy, or resources.
  • Functionality. The functionality of software to do its designated tasks. Installability. The program's installation suitability in a certain setting.
  • Localization. The several languages, time zones, and other characteristics that a software may operate in.
  • Maintainability. The degree of ease with which the programme may be altered to include new features, address bugs, etc.
  • Performance. How quickly the programme operates when subjected to a certain load.
  • Portability. The software's portability, or its ability to move effortlessly across locations.
  • Reliability is the capacity of the programme to carry out a necessary task error-free for a predetermined amount of time under particular circumstances.
  • Scalability. the degree to which the programme can adapt its performance to alter as its processing requirements change.
  • Security. The capacity of the programme to fend off illegal access, privacy violations, theft, data loss, harmful software, etc.
  • Testability. How simple it is to run software tests.
  • Usability. How user-friendly the programme is.
Once software is in use, developers must continuously modify it to satisfy changing client needs and address issues that users report in order to preserve its quality. This include enhancing features, resolving bugs, and making necessary code adjustments in software to avoid problems. Developers' capacity to meet these maintenance needs determines how long a product remains on the market.

Developers can make four different kinds of adjustments when it comes to maintenance, including:

1) Corrective. Bugs, such as code flaws and other issues that prevent the product from fulfilling its requirements, are frequently found and reported by users to developers.

2) Adaptive. To keep their software compatible with evolving hardware and software environments—like new operating systems—developers must often update their products.

3) Perfective. These are tweaks that increase the functionality of the system, including bettering the user interface or optimising applications to run faster.

4) Preventive. These adjustments, which involve reorganising and optimising code, are made to prevent software from malfunctioning.

Software licensing and patents

A legally enforceable agreement that limits the use and distribution of software is called a software licence.

Software licences usually grant users permission to make one or more copies of the programme without infringing on copyright. The licence describes the obligations of each party to the contract and may impose limitations on the usage of the software.

Fair use of the programme, liability restrictions, guarantees, disclaimers, and prohibitions against infringement on third parties' intellectual property rights are all common provisions in software licencing terms and conditions.

Generally, licences exist for two types of software: free software, which allows users to run, examine, modify, and distribute the programme, and proprietary software, which is still the property of the company, team, or individual who developed it. Software that is created cooperatively and makes its source code openly accessible is referred to as open source. Similar to free software, users can run, copy, share, and alter open source software under licences.

Software providers have switched from offering software licences for sale once to a software-as-a-service subscription model within the past 20 years. Customers can purchase software from software providers and access it via the internet by paying a subscription fee. The software is hosted in the cloud.

While copyright can hinder others from stealing a developer's work, it is unable to prohibit someone from independently creating the identical programme without stealing. However, even if the other person built the software independently, a developer can use a patent to stop them from utilising the functional features of the programme that they claim in the patent.

Software is often more likely to be patented the more complex it is. A software product could be eligible for patent protection, for instance, if it develops a novel type of database structure or improves a computer's general functionality.

History of software

Software wasn't even a word until the late 1950s. Even while many kinds of programming software were being developed at the time, they were usually not made accessible for purchase. As a result, customers frequently had to create their own software. These users were mostly scientists and major corporations.

A short chronology of software history is shown below:

  • June 21, 1948. At the University of Manchester in England, computer scientist Tom Kilburn creates the first programme ever written for the Manchester Baby computer.
  • the early 1950s. The first operating system is developed by General Motors for the IBM 701 electronic data processing machine. The operating system for general motors is known as GM OS.
  • 1958. The term "software" is first used by statistician John Tukey in a piece on computer programming.
  • late 1960s. In the 1980s and 1990s, floppy discs are introduced and utilised for software distribution.
  • November 3, 1971. The first Unix OS edition is released by AT&T.
  • 1977. Following the advent of the Apple II, demand for consumer software soars.
  • 1979. VisiCorp releases VisiCalc for the Apple II, the first spreadsheet software for personal computers.
  • Microsoft introduces MS-DOS in 1981. This operating system was used by many of the first IBM computers. The typical customer may now purchase commercial software when IBM starts selling it.
  • 1980s. PC hard drives become the norm, and computer makers begin including software with their units.
  • With Richard Stallman's GNU (GNU is not Unix) Linux project, which aims to provide a Unix-like operating system with freely distributable, copyable, and editable source code, the free software movement is established in 1983.
  • Mac OS is launched in 1984 to power Apple's Macintosh computer range.
  • the middle of the 1980s. Important software programmes are released, such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and AutoDesk AutoCAD.
  • 1985 saw the introduction of Microsoft Windows 1.0.
  • 1989: CD-ROMs replace floppy discs as the industry standard and can store far more data. Large software packages may be deployed in a rapid, simple, and reasonably priced manner.
  • The open source Linux operating system's foundation, the Linux kernel, is published in 1991.
  • 1997. With the introduction of DVDs, which had a larger capacity than CDs, software packages like the Microsoft Office Suite could now be stored on a single disc.
  • pioneered online software distribution in 1999 by utilising cloud computing.
  • In the year 2000, the phrase "software as a service" (SaaS) became popular.
  • 2007 saw the release of the iPhone and the rise in popularity of mobile apps.
  • from 2010 until the present. As more people purchase and download software from the internet and cloud, DVDs are becoming less and less relevant. Subscription-based approaches are being adopted by vendors, and SaaS is now widespread.

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