What is DDoS(Distributed Denial of Service)?

A form of DoS assault known as distributed denial of service (DDoS) occurs when several trojan-infected systems target a single system, resulting in a DoS attack. 

A DDoS attack floods the targeted resource by using many servers and Internet connections. One of the most potent tools available on the internet is a DDoS assault. When you learn about a website being taken offline, it usually indicates that a DDoS assault has taken place against it. This indicates that the hackers have infected your PC or website by forcing a large volume of traffic. Consequently, overloading causes the computer or website to crash.

Example: One of the earliest DDoS assaults was carried out in 2000 by 15-year-old Michael Calce, who went by the online moniker "Mafiaboy." He breached the computer systems of several different colleges. He launched a DDoS assault on other websites, including eBay and Yahoo, using their servers. A significant denial-of-service assault against Dyn occurred in 2016, bringing down GitHub, Netflix, PayPal, Amazon, and other well-known websites and services. 

What is DDoS(Distributed Denial of Service)?


Denial of Service, or DoS, is an acronym. This kind of assault on a service stops other users from using it and interferes with its regular operation. A denial-of-service (DoS) assault is most frequently directed at an online service, such a website, although it can also target machines, networks, or even a particular software.

Difference between DoS and DDoS

The following list includes some frequent distinctions between DoS and DDoS.

DoS Stands for Denial of service attack.DDoS Stands for Distributed Denial of service attack.
 A single system targets the victim system in a DoS attack.DDoS attacks target the victim's system from numerous platforms.
The victim's PC loads the data packet that was transmitted from one place.The victim's PC loads the data packet that was transmitted from many different places.
In contrast to DDoS, a DoS assault is slower.DDoS attacks outperform DoS attacks in speed.
as there is just one system in use, it is readily blocked.Since several devices are attacking from different places and transmitting packets, it is challenging to stop this attack.
With DOS Attack tools, a single device is utilised exclusively.The volumeBots are used to attack simultaneously during a DDoS assault.
Attacks via DDoS are Simple to Track.Attacks using DDoS are Hard to Track Down.

Types of DOS Attacks are: 

1. Buffer overflow attacks

 2. Ping of Death or ICMP flood 

3. Teardrop Attack 

4. Flooding Attack

Types of DDOS Attacks are:

 1. Volumetric Attacks

 2. Fragmentation Attacks 

3. Application Layer Attacks 

4. Protocol Attack.

DDoS Attack Types

Below are some examples of the many kinds of DDoS attacks:

1) Volumetric Attacks: The most common type of DDoS assault is the volumetric attack. They utilise a botnet to send more traffic than the network can handle, flooding the server or network with traffic. The victim of this assault is inundated with enormous volumes of useless data. This results in a loss of network capacity and may even cause a total denial of service.

2) Protocol Attacks: TCP Connection Attacks take advantage of a weakness in the TCP connection sequence, also known as the connection established during the three-way handshake between the host and the server. Here is an explanation of the work. A request to begin the handshake is sent to the selected server. The handshake is never completed in this assault. As a result, the connected port is marked as busy and cannot handle any further requests. The hacker is still sending out many requests, flooding all open ports and forcing the system to crash.

3) Application Attacks: Application layer assaults, also known as Layer 7 attacks, aim to more slowly target the victim's apps. As a result, at first, they could seem like reasonable requests from users, to which the victim is unable to reply. The layer that a server uses to create web pages and reply to HTTP requests is the target of these attacks. DDoS assaults that target apps, the network, and bandwidth are integrated with application-level attacks. Because these attacks are harder for businesses to identify, they pose a concern.

4) Fragmentation Attacks: The datagram fragmentation process, which splits up IP datagrams into smaller packets, transfers them over a network, and then reassembles them, is where the cybercriminal takes use of frangibility. Fake data packets cannot be put back together in these kinds of assaults.

How do DDoS Attacks Work?

DDoS assaults have fairly basic logic, despite the fact that they might differ greatly from one another. The OSI model's layers make up network connections. Different DDoS attack types target certain levels. The following examples are shown:

  • Layer-3: Network layer - Attacks are referred to as IP/ICMP fragmentation, ICMP floods, and smurf attacks.
  • Layer-4: Transport layer - SYN flooding, UDP flooding, and TCP connection exhaustion are examples of attacks. 
  • Layer-7: Application layer - assaults encrypted using HTTP.

How to Protect Yourself from DDoS Attacks?

1) Take quick action: The more quickly the DDoS assault is detected and stopped, the less damage may be done. Businesses should offer DDoS protection or a specific type of technology so that the high volume of traffic may be identified and handled promptly.

2) Configure firewalls and routers: Routers and firewalls should be set up to reject fake traffic, and you should maintain your routers and firewalls up to date with the most recent security fixes.

3) Consider artificial intelligence: New systems are being developed using AI, even while sophisticated firewalls and intrusion detection systems are still widely employed as defences.

4) Secure your Internet of Things devices: It's a good idea to make sure your PCs are running reliable security software if you want to prevent your gadgets from joining a botnet. Maintaining it updated with the most recent security updates is crucial.


1. First off, what is a denial-of-service attack?

Denial of service assault is referred to as a DoS. The goal of this assault is to take down a computer or network so that people can't access it. DoS attacks do this by transmitting information that causes a crash or by overloading the target with traffic.

2. Explain DDoS attacks.

Distributed Denial of Service Attacks are referred to as DDoS. A DDoS attack aims to stop a specific service by sending massive amounts of traffic from several endpoints in a continuous manner.

3. What kinds of DoS assaults are there?

Some DOS attack types are:
  • Buffer overflow attacks
  • Ping of Death or ICMP flood
  • Teardrop Attack
  • Flooding Attack

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