Hyper text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)

What is Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)?

A protocol called Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) protects data transfer and communication between a user's web browser and a website. The secure version of HTTP is called HTTPS.

Users are shielded by the protocol from man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks and eavesdroppers. Additionally, it guards against DNS spoofing attacks on valid domains.

When it comes to protecting websites that handle or transport sensitive data—such as those run by email services, online shops, online banking services, healthcare providers, and more—HTTPS is essential. To put it simply, HTTPS should be used on any website that requests login information or conducts financial transactions in order to protect user information, transactions, and data.


It is simple for a malevolent actor to mimic, alter, or keep an eye on an HTTP connection. HTTPS encrypts all communications between a web browser and web server, protecting against certain vulnerabilities. Because of this, HTTPS guarantees that no one may interfere with these interactions, protecting user privacy and avoiding the loss of important data.

The HTTP protocol and HTTPS are not different. Instead, it's a variation that encrypts conversations via HTTP using Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). A handshake, or exchange of TLS/SSL certificates, is carried out between a web server and a web browser when they communicate via HTTPS in order to authenticate the provider and safeguard the user and their data.

In contrast to http://, an HTTPS URL starts with https://. A closed padlock icon appears to the left of the URL in the browser's address bar to indicate that a website is safe, according to the majority of web browsers. Users may verify if the digital certificate of an HTTPS-enabled website contains identifying information about the website owner, such as their name or business name, by clicking on the padlock icon in certain browsers.

Hyper text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)

What makes HTTPS better than HTTP?

When using HTTP, any malevolent party snooping on the network might intercept or sniff the data shared via a website. This is particularly dangerous if a user is using an unprotected network, such free public WiFi, to visit the website. All HTTP communications are conducted in plaintext, making them extremely susceptible to on-path MitM attacks.

All connections between a user's web browser and a website are guaranteed to be fully secured thanks to HTTPS. Cybercriminals receive what seems to be jumbled data even if they manage to intercept the network. Only the private key, or the appropriate decryption tool, can transform this data into a legible format.

HTTPS encryption

The TLS encryption technology, which protects communications between two parties, is the foundation of HTTPS. TLS encrypts data using an asymmetric public key infrastructure. It therefore employs two distinct keys:

1) The private key. This is stored on the web server and is managed and overseen by the owner of the website. Information encrypted with the public key is decrypted by it.

2)The public key. Users who wish to utilise their web browser to securely interact with the server can do so. Only the private key has the ability to decode data that has been encrypted using the public key.

How HTTPS functions

As mentioned in the preceding section, HTTPS distributes a shared symmetric key for data encryption and authentication over SSL/TLS using public key encryption. By default, it utilises port 443, while HTTP uses port 80. HTTP connections can also be made on port 443, but secure transfers must use this port.

Through an SSL/TLS handshake, the browser and the server determine the connection parameters before an HTTPS data transmission begins. To create a secure connection, the handshake is also crucial.

This is how the entire procedure operates:
  • "Hello" messages are exchanged between the web server and the client browser.
  • Each party lets the other know what their encryption requirements are.
  • The browser and the server share the same certificate.
  • The validity of the certificate is checked by the customer.
  • The pre-master secret key is created by the client using the public key.
  • The public key is used to encrypt this private key, which is then shared with the server.
  • Based on the secret key's value, the client and server calculate the symmetric key.
  • Both parties attest to have calculated the secret key.
  • Symmetric encryption is used during data transfer.

Example of how HTTPS works

Let's say a consumer goes to an online merchant to make a purchase. The product's order page is displayed to the consumer when they are prepared to place a purchase. This page's URL begins with https:// rather than http://.

The consumer is required to provide financial information (such as credit card number) and certain personal information (such as name and shipping address) in order to complete the transaction. In order to protect this data from being accessed or taken by unauthorised parties, such hackers or cybercriminals, HTTPS encrypts it.

After then, the order is processed on the server. The user receives an encrypted acknowledgment from the server after placing a successful order, which appears in their web browser. By using the HTTPS sublayer, the browser decrypts this acknowledgment.

HTTPS and the CIA triad

The CIA trinity, a fundamental component of information security, is guaranteed by HTTPS:

  • Cookies, URLs, and other sensitive metadata are hidden via HTTPS, which also encrypts the website visitor's connection.
  • By using HTTPS, a hacker cannot alter or tamper with any data transmitted between a visitor and the website.
  • By using HTTPS, users may be confident they are visiting the legitimate website and not a phoney one.

Benefits of HTTPS

There are several benefits that HTTPS has over HTTP communications.
  • Data and user protection. HTTPS creates secure connections and stops web browsers and web servers from listening in on one another. As a result, it guards sensitive data from hackers and preserves user privacy. For transactions involving financial or personal data, this is essential.
  • Improved user experience. Customers gain confidence and trust when they are aware that a website is reliable and protects their personal information. Furthermore, HTTPS speeds up data transfers by minimising data sizes.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO). HTTPS websites often have a higher search engine ranking, which is a big benefit for businesses trying to increase their online visibility through SEO.

Common mistakes to avoid when adapting HTTPS connection

Although HTTPS can improve website security, a site's usability and security may suffer if it is implemented incorrectly. Typical errors consist of the following problems.

  • Expired certificates
  • Missing certificate for all host names
  • Server Name Indication (SNI) support
  • Crawling and indexing issues
  • Content
  • Make that the site certificate is current at all times.
  • To prevent certificate name mismatch issues, obtain certificates for each host name the website serves.
  • Make that the audience is using browsers that support SNI and that the web server supports SNI.
  • Make sure that robots.txt is not preventing the HTTPS site from being crawled. Make sure that all pages are properly indexed by search engines.
  • Make that the content on HTTP and HTTPS sites is the same.

Are attacks possible on HTTPS connections?

Despite HTTPS's increased security over HTTP, both are still vulnerable to online threats. The following malevolent actions might compromise HTTPS connections:
  • Cryptanalysis or protocol weakness. Threat actors might get into the HTTPS connection by using cryptanalysis or by taking advantage of possible flaws.
  • Attacks on the client computer. The HTTPS connection might be compromised by an attacker installing a rogue root certificate in the client machine or browser trust store.
  • Manipulating a certificate authority. Attackers can get a rogue certificate that is erroneously trusted by popular browsers by manipulating or breaching a certificate authority.
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